Scenes from my tough life


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October 18, 2006



KR, you're a star and still more informative than Naomi Robson.

Kitten Rex

Thanks Uncle Phil. FYI: Naomi? I'm reaching for a much higher league. I take my lead from Katie Couric and Amber MacArthur. As you say ... world domination ...


well done, considering that's the drunkest person on tv (outside the 7.30 report that is).
though who was in charge of make-up? surely we can do something about my chins next time?


Meow I'm a big fan. Your news bulletin was very informative and I learnt so much from your brave stunt with the (un) Gifted one

Kitten Rex

Gifted: if anyone's getting make up it will be the star of the show, not you.
Blinky: Yes, I should be a contestant on Fear Factor.
And I thought I'd share this comment from Uncle Paul, who emailed me directly: "Harmonic technological convergence in ways I'm not sure Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Al Gore could have ever imagined."
I think I could be the first kitten media mogul/presenter in the making. Eddie Maguire, watch your back.

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